Our Latest Posts
A collection of our latest guides, articles and posts about outdoor gym equipment and leading a healthy and active lifestyle

The Benefits of Exercising Outdoors
Throughout the pandemic, many of us had to get creative to stay fit and healthy without access to gyms or leisure centres. After spending a lot of time at home, many people took their workouts outside, either in their gardens, at the local park or even using an...

How to Prevent Getting Injured While Exercising
While it’s important to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s also equally as important to look after your body and avoid an injury. Getting injured can not only break your workout routine but it can cause long term damage to your body too. To help...

5 Exercises to Do in the Garden This Summer
If you’re looking for ways to keep yourself and your family fit and healthy this summer, without having to pay for expensive gym memberships then look no further. There are countless numbers of exercises and workout routines you can do and enjoy from the comfort of...

Creating an Outdoor Gym: What Are The Benefits?
Did you know that globally, a quarter of adults do not meet the global recommended levels of physical activity according to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO)? Furthermore, up to five million deaths a year could be prevented if the world population was more...